[ Albert ]
Hear him ?
[ Edie ]
Yeah; he's there. I can hear him.
Everything's in the attic;
everything from sloths; otters;
badgers; uh; possums; raccoons.
I don't leave the bags anymore.
'Cause I had to get up to 200
cellophane bags this, uh--
Horrors. Somebody's removing
the books from my room.
Where did this little book
come from ?
[Jerry ]
[ Mrs. Beale ]
That's Jerry. He locked himself out.
No,Jerry hasn't
locked himself out.
[ Chuckles ]
He locked himself out.
[ Mrs. Beale ]
Who's knocking at the door?
[Jerry ]
Who is it ?
[ Whispering ]
He's around there.
Who got this book out of my room ?
I cleaned this whole attic up
the other day.
Now, who's been dropping books
around is what I want to know.
I would have seen that book.
He evidently has been
up in that room reading it.
All right, Buster, old pal,
come and get it.
[ Mrs. Beale ] There's somebody
knocking at the door; Edie.
Yeah, all right, Mother.
-[ Heavy Knocking ]
- Yes ?
[ Man ]
Is Jerry here ?
Oh, yes. I'll get him for you.
Just a minute. Hey,Jerry.
- Yeah ?
- I think your friend's
in the, in the, uh, front.