Pár neastníkù si na jeho tvrdé lebce
oddìlalo klouby.
Hotovo. Sázky uzavøeny.
Posly, starochu, dneska konèí.
Hezkej úsmìv, dokud má hubu.
- A bude hotovej, pøijdu za tebou.
- Ty pùjde akorát tak k doktorovi.
Prokrista. 9.000 dolarù pohromadì.
To by vzalo jednomu dech.
A zaènou.
Quite a few unfortunate fighters busted
their knuckles on that hard head of his.
That's it. Time. All bets in.
Hey, old man. I'll end it for you.
Keep smiling while you still have lips.
- When he's done, I'm coming after you.
- You'll only be coming after a doctor.
Jesus. $9,000 in the man's hand...
Enough to take your breath away.
Get them going.