Hard Times

In my third year, a small black cloud
came on campus, and I left under it.

- He's trying to say he's a hophead.
- I have a weakness for opium.

It's a hard habit to quit.
Some are born to fail,
others have it thrust upon them.

Could I see your hands?
No protruding knuckles.
No calcium deposits.

Make a fist.
More area to absorb the concussion
of a blow without breaking.

A simple matter of engineering stress.
Reasonably thick skin.

I'd say there's a good chance you're not
what Speed refers to as a "bleeder".

I told you he's good.
- How much?
- Ten per cent of what we win, expenses.

Is Mr Le Beau here?
I need a short-termer
for a thousand?

- That's a heavy taste. How short?
- A day or two.

- I've done business with you before.
- Yes, about a year ago.

- You got your money back.
- Yeah... you paid back my 300.

But you had to borrow from Abboar
to do it, you didn't cover so well.
