
See, my partner here, Sgt. Louis Belgrave?
He believes that the girl's father is a crazy.
And why, may I ask, do you think
that the girl's father is a crazy?

I just hate white folks.
After lunch,
I got something else for you guys.

Get me Supervisor Arnold
on the private line.

Like I was saying, you sure look lousy, Phil.
You know, you ought to get out
in the sun more. You ought to fish.

I hate to fish, John.
I hate to see them flopping around the deck.

Yeah. With their little gills opening and
closing, searching the air for a little water.

Get out of here.
Phil, the girl's father...
-is he anyone?
-No, John. He's no one.

How are you, Larry? I'm fine.
On that teenager in the beach district?
It's a suicide, Larry.
No, just a simple suicide.
-You know, you've really lost weight.
-Do you think so?

Probably the shirt-maker.
I can tell the difference.
Listen, let's make it a weekend thing.
You bring a girlfriend.

-Which one?
-Oh, the....

The redhead.
-Rusty, yes.

We'll go to Catalina.
Can you afford us?
The government takes care of that.
-Do you think you can handle both of us?
-If I run out of breath, I'll watch.

That's dangerous. If you watch too long,
you could forget how.

Let's go topside.
No, I like it better open. Here. Yeah.
