Come on.
What is it?
Jerry Bellamy. Two dead ladies
in a garment factory on Maple Street...
and a live one hostage. Asking for me.
Another fan?
Hold your fire! Get some gas in there.
Come on, get some more gas in there!
Pour it in!
They're coming around.
Stop that goddamn tear gas
or I'll blow her fucking head off!
Jerry, you don't have to worry, old buddy...
no more tear gas.
Just a friendly little talk. Okay, Jerry?
I got the lady, ace.
I know you got the lady,
that's why I came to see you.
Just wanna talk a little, all right?
All right. Come on up, goddamn it.
And get rid of that goddamn speaker.
Please, God.
-In here.
I'm so afraid he's gonna kill me.
Please don't make him nervous.
God help me.
He's gonna kill me. Please.
You've been busy, Jerry.
You should've got here sooner, Lieutenant.
Been a long time, Jerry.