We really ought to see him, Phil.
Buenas noches, Louis.
If that was your little girl,
you'd sure in hell see Leo.
Did I ever tell you my father was killed
in the Spanish Civil War?
Month before he was killed,
he wrote my mother a letter...
last letter she ever got.
You know what it said?
''The Spanish die of heartbreak,
the French die of cirrhosis...
''and the Americans die of enthusiasm.''
You were apprehended fleeing
from the crime scene...
carrying a bag of women's shoes.
What do you do with these shoes?
I'm a collector.
Recognize that shoe?
-Do you want to taste it?
-Yeah, I recognize the shoe.
Lady claims you stole this shoe from her
in the park.
She said she was throwing them away.
She claims you grabbed her by the leg
and forcibly removed it.
That's a moot point.
Ever think of going to a shoe store
and buying a pair of ladies' shoes?
At today's prices?
We're going to put you
in the cooler overnight...
to await arraignment in the morning.
-Sergeant, could I ask you a question?
-Could I take the shoes with me?
-We're holding these for evidence.
-Would you keep the bag tightly closed?
-What for?
It keeps them fresh.
Yeah, we'll take care of it.
Could I have a receipt?
The whale!