You're right. Now it's over.
The earth and the sea
shall give up the dead.
And the corruptible bodies
of those who sleep in them...
shall be cleansed
and made like His own glorious body.
According to the mighty working whereby
He is able to subdue all things unto Himself.
You don't buy the suicide?
I just think this case
deserves some answers.
-Answers to what?
-The questions I just raised.
I'm standing right here
waiting for reasons, logic...
not conjecture.
Why do you suppose this girl was murdered?
It's our job to make sure she wasn't.
Wrong, God damn it, wrong!
We don't look for victims.
We're thrown victims.
Christ, we're up to our ass
in victimless crimes.
-Louis is very stubborn.
What the hell happened to justice?
That's all I want to know!
We got a machine downstairs
that tells us all about justice.
Jesus H. Christ!
Sit down, Sergeant.
What the hell are you laughing at?
I'd like to know what the two of you
were doing yesterday.
That was strictly soldier business:
SWAT squad, Riot squad.
It's not tactical business.
I don't know. I've been very kind to you.
I give you trips to Rome.
I keep you out of harm's way...
and you give me heartburn.
You're confusing daring police work
with greasy wop food.