What's he yankir on now?
Go on, try it.
I don't know, Chief,
if he's very smart or very dumb.
He's gone under.
He's gone under the boat.
I think he's gone under the boat.
Yeah, it's too easy.
He is a smart, big fish.
He's gone under the boat.
Keep her steady, now.
I got somethir very big.
I don't think so.
Chief, put your gloves on.
Y ou put your gloves on, both of you.
Getting ready to run out again.
Quint, let it go.
Y ou may be big in the lab,
but out here you're just cargo.
If you don't want to backstroke home,
you get down here.
Y ou don't want to listen to me,
don't listen to me.
- It's not a shark.
- The wire's showing!
Unbuckle me.
- Get the other side.
- It's a tuna or swordfish.
Take this rod.
- Give the Chief a hand, will you?
- Right!
It's a marlin or a stingray...
...but it's definitely a game fish.
Gamir fish?
Marlin, stingray bit
through this piano wire?
Don't you tell me my business again.
- Y ou get back on the bridge.
- Quint, that doesn't prove a damn thing.