After, I'll see...
I'll keep you informed !
Where were you before ?
France ?
France and elsewhere... I have been...
- You've been about...
- Indeed.
Does it have bad taste ?
It turned a little acid...
What do you mean acid ! I made it...
- With what ?
- Grapes of course...
I found a vineyard in the hill,
this year I made 22 litres...
Not acid at all !!!
How do you feel ?
Let me see... Don't move !
- Done ?
- Yes, almost !
I'm tired ! Don't you ?
Don't sit down we're leaving...
- Leaving where ?
- Off the island, with the tide...
Right now ? Why didn't you say it !?
Put some clothes,
night on boat could be cold...
I'm coming !!!
You know what we'll do at St Domingue ?
A big party, I'll invite you !!