The car!
Darllng, I took the Datsun.
After thls Intermlnable nlght...
...I don't have the courage
to go see the cops rlght away.
I'll brlng the car back In 2 or 3 days.
You'll just need to explaln...
...that I had to go to Italy
to do research for my novel...
...and slnce I had no money,
Louls Inslsted...
...I borrow the car...
Everythlng went as planned.
I'm certaln that
Mother Chauvlnet Is ready to swear...
...that I dldn't leave the house
and worked all nlght...
If you want to joln me,
wrlte me at my P.O. box In Menton.
I'll check It tomorrow and the day after.
I'll be back before the beglnnlng of the
Investlgatlon, If there Is one.
But afterwards,
lt'll be just the two of us.
- The maritime police?
- Ah yes!