Dear Mrs. Wormser...
- Please excuse our intrusion.
- Madam
- Mr. Thorent brought you back?
- Yes.
We saw his car.
I suppose he told you
about our visit this morning?
Yes, he did.
Yes well,
we have some important news Madam.
We saw Mr. Wormser's doctor and...
...he made some rather surprising revelations.
Dr. Favart? What could he have told you?
Well, he told us that
your husband never suffered a heart attack.
What do you mean? But...
That's right, it was an act.
Mr. Wormser suffered another illness
he found terribly humiliating.
According to Dr. Favart,
he had become impotent.
And so, it was to justify
his lack of passion towards you...
that he invented...
...that he invented this story
about the heart attack.
That makes no sense.
I don't believe a word.
Ah, you mean to say that
you had normal relations with him?
Sexual relations, that is.
So the good doctor's statement was correct.
We have several rather difficult revelations