You! Get out here!
You're the worst soldier I ever seen.
- You ignorammus!
- Ignoramus, sir.
- You want a dishonourable discharge?
- Yes, sir. Or a furlough.
Goddamn you!
You love Russia, don't you?
- Yessir.
- Louder!
- You like it here?
- Yessir!
- You want to make a career in the army?
- Well, let's not get carried away.
You can clean the mess hall
and the latrine!
Yessir. How will I tell the difference?
One, two! One, two! One, two!
Three is next, if you're having any trouble.
Naturally, the war affects
the herring industry.
The ports are blockaded.
Fresh shipments of the herring
become more difficult to obtain.
And, of course, when something
hurts herring, it hurts me.
What people don't understand
is that there are hundreds
of types of herring,