Grushenko. Isn't he the young coward
all Saint Petersburg is talking about?
- Not so young. I'm 35.
- The one so afraid for his own safety,
he won't defend his country?
He is in a bad mood.
Don't you like your seats?
You must visit me for tea.
I'm sure we'd have a lot to talk about.
OK. I'll bring the tea bags.
We could run a check
on your erogenous zones.
- What about the dybbuk?
- Why do you always taunt me in public?
If you so much as
come near the Countess,
I'll see that you never see daylight again.
If a man said that to me,
I'd break his neck!
- I am a man.
- Well, I mean a much shorter man.
Boris! Boris Dimitrovitch!
Look at you.
You look so handsome in your uniform.
I got a perfect build for clothes.
I'm a 28 dwarf.
And you, Sonja, you look more beautiful
standing here than you do in person.
- Oh, Boris, I'm so unhappy.
- I wish you weren't.
Voskovec and I quarrel frequently.
- I've become a scandal.
- Poor Sonja.
I've been visiting Seretsky in his room.
Why? What's in his room?
And before Seretsky, Alexei.
And before Alexei, Alegorian.
- And before Alegorian, Asimov.
- OK!
Wait! I'm still on the A's.
- How many lovers do you have?
- In the midtown area?
- Oh, Sonja.
- Boris, my life is ruined. Over.
I can't stand Voskovec.
His mentality has reduced all the beauty
of the world to a small pickled fish.
Sonja, you need somebody
to take you away from Voskovec.
Someone who loves you. Someone who's
always loved you and cared for you.
How is your brother lvan?
- Ivan's all right.
- Yes? lvan is well?
Ivan's a tiger. He did his basic training
in two weeks. Became a major.
- Does he ever speak of me?
- Sonja, he's busy.
Well, he must!
He must speak of me sometimes.