Love and Death

..blonde, 12-year-old girls.
Two of them, whenever possible.
Father, I counted on you.
I forgive you. I forgive you.
Thank you, Your Grubbiness.
As I dangled at the rope's end,
I was suddenly seized
with an urge to live.

All I could think ofwas Sonja.
I wanted to hold her close to me,
weep tears on hershoulder,

and engage in oral sex.
It was then that I made
the decision to live,

to live and become a greatpoet.
I should have been
a pair of ragged claws
scuttling across the floors
of silent seas.
Too sentimental.
That winter
Sonja and I had a wonderful time.

We found a new friend,
Berdykov, the village idiot.

Berdykov would sit smiling for days
and stroke a little piece ofvelvet.

Sonja would make him happy
by feeding him cookies.

We looked forward to the spring,
when we could have a child ofour own.

Little did we know...
War! Napoleon
has invaded Russia! It's war!

Oh, what about all our plans?
We were gonna be parents this year!

There's gonna be a slight change.
Instead, we're gonna be refugees.

- That's terrible!
- We have to take everything and flee.

I'm very good at that. I was the men's
freestyle fleeing champion for two years.

We have to burn the food so the French
don't get it. But it's tough to light borscht.

- Boris, I have an idea.
- What?

Let's assassinate Napoleon.
Yeah. Interesting.
Do you want to start knitting dinner?
