Night Moves

Hey, Quentin?
-Are you Quentin?
-Who's looking for him?

Moseby Confidential.
What kind of bullshit name is that?
lt's not so hot. At least it doesn't
have an eye printed on the card.

l'm looking for Delly Grastner.
Delly isn't around here anymore.
You got any idea where she could be?
ls she visiting friends? ls she meditating?
Did she join a commune?

Delly's idea of a commune
is her and the guy on top of her.

-When's the last time you saw her?
-Screw off, mister.

-Hey! What is this?
-What happened to your face?

-l won second prize in a fight.
-Where's the last place you saw Delly?

-ln New Mexico.

l went down there on a job.
A movie location.

For Warner Bros.
Delly went with me.

There was a guy. One of the stuntmen.
Delly hit on him.

-When l left, she stayed on.
-What was the stuntman's name?

Marv Ellman.
ls he the one you had the fight with?
-Any message if l run into Delly?
-Just be driving a truck.

They really get to you, don't they?
