ls chess hard to learn?
lt isn't easy, believe me.
-l brought you some ice.
-Want a drink?
Mind if l use your shower?
Mine doesn't work so good.
Be my guest.
Pour another.
Did she offer you the key to the city?
Well, no. lt was...
...more like a sightseeing tour.
How do you resist?
Oh, l just think good, clean thoughts,
like Thanksgiving...
...George Washington's teeth.
-You beating yourself?
-That's from a game played in 1 922.
-Do you play?
-l know the moves.
Black had a mate, didn't see it.
Queen sacrifice.
And three little knight moves.
Oh, that's nice.
l'll bring your shirt back
in the morning, okay?
Show me that again.
-lt's a beauty.