Got it.
Get the water out of her.
-Just hold on. Hold on.
-The fish. The fishes!
-Drink this.
-All right.
Come on.
Take it easy.
That's right. Take it easy.
-Good girl.
-You're okay.
She'll be fine. She panicked
and took in water.
-What was that?
-Marker for the Coast Guard.
Poor bastard.
-Can you manage her?
That's right. Just one...
...the pilot of a plane.
Yeah, l left a float for a marker.
That's right.
Listen, you took my phone number,
so you can call anytime.
Nothing they can do tonight.
They'll go out in the morning.
You know, this is a bad area
for accidents.
Just like that stretch up
the other side of Miami.
Devil's Triangle. Did you ever hear of it?
They got more missing planes and boats
there than you can count.