Pedhia tou dhiavolou, Ta

he asked me to telephone you
to come and get the plane.

Yeah, good.
Oh, and charge him.
Thank you.
- And?
- One more to go.

suddenly Celia didn't like it anymore.
We spoiled every nice
moment sitting there silent

I tried to convince her
there was nothing to be afraid of.

how about Patricia?
What about Patricia?
We've never been into
a ménage-a-trois before.

Cut out the crap.
I'm not in the mood for that.

You just think of it.
Patricia lying in bed naked,
and me, you know, the passionate lover
thrilled by her charm,
violent and burning.

Would it be amazing?
I mean, it's something
you've never seen before.

No. If there's something I will see
- is they get us for sure.
- No,

you don't understand.
No victims this time. Just fun,
and pictures.
I don't know.
Come on...
I know you'll like it.
Yes, was going to be fun.
I called Patricia and
told her my wife was sick

and if she had some
cold milk in the fridge,

so I can spend the evening with her.
She was excited,
because I really think she
would never expect something like it.

And we went there,
my sick wife and I.
