[Bell chiming]
God be praised!
[Bell continues chiming]
why are you so late?
Madame, something terrible
has happened.
What? What do you mean?
I can't...
And where in heaven's name
is Miss McCraw?
We left her behind
at the rock.
You left her behind?
Has everyone taken leave
of their senses?
Miss Lumley, get these girls
to bed immediately.
And Cook, Cook!
Hot soup, please, for all of them.
[Girls crying]
Mrs. Appleyard, I-I must
speak to you alone.
Very well.
[Crying continues]
Straight up the stairs, girls.
Come along, quickly as you can.
Cook, I asked you for hot soup!
[Dog barking]
(Mr. Hussey)
Well, ma'am, ma'am,
the strength of it is this.
Three of your young ladies
and Miss McCraw
are m-missing on the rock.
What happened?
Well, now, Mrs. Appleyard,
that's just the trouble.