Had the bloodhound out
the other day.
I wake up every night
in a cold sweat.
Just wondering
if they're still alive.
Yeah, well, the way
I look at it is this:
If the bloody cop and
the bloody abo tracker
and the bloody dog can't find 'em,
well, no one bloody can.
People have been bushed
before today,
and as far as I'm concerned,
that's the stone end of it.
Well, it's not the end of it
as far as I'm concerned.
They may be out there
dying of thirst on...
on that infernal rock and...
you and I are sitting here
drinking cold bloody beer.
That's where
you and me's different.
If you want my advice, the sooner
you forget the whole thing, the better.
Well, I can't forget it,
and I never will.
## ["God Save The Queen"]
I'm not great shakes
on music,
but I reckon the governor
must be leavin', eh?
Your aunt'll give you hell
if you're not on show.
I want to go back
to the rock.
To look for them.
Will you come with me?
Beautiful birds, them swans.