...because it represented
something important.
- What did you say?
- lt represented something important!
No, no, l don't think so.
lf l remember well, it was... it was...
some sort of composition of faces...
...something very unusual.
Look, maybe you've seen something
so important that you can't realize it.
But l... l'm just trying to understand,
You know, sometimes, what you
actually see and what you imagine...
...get mixed up in your memory
like a cocktail...
...from which you can no longer
distinguish one flavor from another.
But l'm telling you the truth!
No, Marc. You think you're telling
the truth, but in fact...
...you're only telling
your version of the truth.
lt happens to me all the time.
That one there with the raincoat.
That's Giordani.
He's a professor in Psychiatry, and an
enthusiast of parapsychology.
A great friend of Helga's,
he practically kept her.
The man with the glasses
is Mario Bardi.
He's also a clairvoyant...
...and was a great friend of poor Helga.