Rooster Cogburn

Go ahead. Hurry. As fast as you can.
Wolf. Watch. Go.
They're settlers passin' through.
- I know.

Come, child.
Welcome to Fort Ruby.
I am Reverend George Goodnight

and this is my daughter, Eula.
We offer you
the hospitality of our settlement.

We are God's servants here.
And we must ask you
not to sell ardent spirits or guns
to the Indians.

Civil law and God's law forbid it.
This is the law we go by, Sister.
So don't waste your preachin'
tryin' to convert us.

Please do not strip these people
of their dignity with liquor

and your worldly ways.
We beg you.

This is for your collecting plate.
Now, will you leave us be?
We're gonna camp here,

rest our horses
and take our pleasures,

with no more preachin'
from God's servants.

A brand from the burning.
- What's that you say?

Our work, sir,
is to pluck brands from the burning.

If you don't want to be plucked,
then at least show us courtesy.

I do believe you're better
at cluckin' than at pluckin'.

You're an unpleasant sort of fellow.
I'm the boldest sinner on the
Arkansas River. People remember me.

Only evil can come of your presence.
Temptation is the Devil's spawn.
