Which way'd they go?
- Fort Ruby way.
The Winding Stair Mountains.
Took the trail out of Webber's Falls.
Fort Ruby? Last time
I heard of that it was just a memory.
There's still a settlement.
Mostly Indians.
Run by a Yankee preacher
and his daughter.
Judge Parker's promised me a posse.
When it gets here, if it gets here,
send it on after me.
I ain't waitin'.
Why don't you have
some of Winona's catfish stew?
I'd love to,
Winona, but the trail's hot.
If I had my druthers, I'd pull a cork
and jaw with you. So long.
See you later.
Give him a drink. He's thirsty.
- There's gonna be trouble.
He's thirsty. You want it, do you?
I want him to drink every drop.
Come on, make him drink it.
No, father.
Jerry, hitch up the wagon.
Out. Out into the fields.