- Norman says to charge for coffee.
- You know what you can tell Norman.
- Sorry.
- Don't waste my time. Understand?
It's important to me.
Let's stick to hair if you want.
- Stop. Have Mary do it.
- Have her do what?
- You have no respect for me!
- I don't?
You can't distinguish me
from your Hollywood numbers!
- My what?
- Numbers!
- That's Tickle Pink. What?
- Numbers.
I don't need to be put
in this kind of position.
- Why are you here?
- Wash and set.
You need a cut.
- Norman said...
- George says you need a cut.
- I shouldn't be put in this position.
- I'm not trying to do that.
I'll have Mary wash you. Mary?
- Wash her.
- With?
A Brillo pad. I'm not trying to
put you in a position.
Shit. I'll be right back.
- I'm taking a lot of shit lately.
- It's Norman.
Ain't no Norman.
You're like my Otis.
He can't keep off the ladies.
- How's he doing?
- Got a letter from him.
- He just made corporal squad leader.
- That's great.
Rocko, I don't believe
what you're saying to me.
That is the purest
comment I've ever made.
- Lf you can't do my hair...
- Stop. I'm going crazy.
- Why?
- I've been cutting too much hair.
I'm losing all my concepts.
Baby, you're great.
- Hey, baby. What's happening?
- They want me to go to Egypt.
Great. Jill, meet Felicia.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- How did it go at the bank?
- Great.