- Could I speak to you?
- Well, I'm...
- Go ahead, George.
- Could I?
- I said I wasn't sure I could go.
- Where?
- Egypt.
- Great. I gotta get back.
- How did it go at the bank?
- Great. Can we talk later?
- Why the bank?
- Trying to get my own shop.
- Really?
- George.
- Yeah?
- You're late.
You're supposed to go to Buffums.
- Buffums?
- Yes, Buffums.
- I'm busy.
- You promised to do the show.
- Fuck, Norman!
- George.
- Gloria needs a cut?
- Her ends are split.
Well, don't you contradict me
in public again!
What is this shit about
not charging for coffee?
I'm charging $25 a head already.
I'm not gonna hit them for coffee.
I want you to learn to collect.
Will you learn to nickel-and-dime?
You're gonna end up
without a pot to pee in.
- Looking great.
- What are you doing later?
- Whatever you say.
- We have this political thing tonight.
Can you comb me for it?
You went to the bank?
For a loan?
You really want your own shop?
Go see Lester.
- Your husband?
- Yes.
- About?
- The shop's a good investment.
- I'll tell him.
- Hey, I'm a star.
- George.
- Hey, baby. Say hello to Felicia.
I already did.
- When can we talk?
- I'm working now.
- I have an important decision to make.
- About what?
- Whether or not to go.
- Go where?
- Egypt!
- Did they offer you a job yet?
No! But I think they might.
I'll be right back.
- Is she the one with the ulcer?
- I don't know.