I did it to myself.
He didn't know a good thing
when he saw one.
- Jill's gonna be mad.
- She won't.
- What are you doing?
- You'll see.
Jill absolutely adores you.
Remember Myrna Lynn?
She adored me.
Then she called me a hairdresser,
and took off with some agent.
Jill is 20 times the girl Myrna is.
- Exactly.
- What does that mean?
I don't know.
You can sense these things.
She needs to be with somebody
who can take care of her.
- Closed down
at 48.
AT& T at 57, off.
RC A, 463/4, off.
Revlon, 83, up 1/2.
Shell Oil 68, off.
What about Felicia?
- What about her?
- Did you?
- Did I what?
- Come on.
Can't wait to see Lester with me
and that cunt in the same room.
Well, did you or didn't you?
Can't stand to miss one of them,
can you?
Oh, George.