Jesus Christ!
- Honey!
- My God, it's Lester.
- Get up. Get up. Get up!
- Hello?
- Jackie?
- Oh, God. Do something, please.
Baby, you sleeping?
Shut the door, honey.
- Come on.
- Oh. Sorry.
- Come in or stay out.
- Shut the door.
You think this is a picnic?
Just don't let the steam out.
Hey, Jackie? I brought you
a little something, doll!
- You look like you had a workout.
- Women can get you very upset.
- I know.
- This doing hair, it's...
I know you're in the middle, but
if you'd bear with me tonight...
Oh, hey...
No, it's a difficult situation.
I appreciate it.
Tonight's going to be very,
very tough on me.