Starsky and Hutch

You gotta be kidding me. No way.
- What?
- Floater.

Nothing harder to solve than a floater.
No prints. Bodies usually bloat.
It’s next to impossible.

All right, I say we push it out,
hope the current carries it down
to the next precinct.

- You’re gonna thank me for this one.
- Hey, hey, seriously, stop it.

The key is not to pop it.
Gotta be very ginger.

- What are you doing?
- I said drop the stick.

Gonna point a gun at me? OK, fine,
have it your way. Knock yourself out.

- What are you gonna solve, anyway?
- I’m gonna solve a murder.

Monday, June 3rd.
Body of a male Caucasian,
apparently dumped from the Bay Bridge.

There’s no sign of impact, so
he was probably just dropped out at sea.

Could you please not talk
while I’m recording? Thank you.

All right, you know what?
I’m just gonna call in the meat wagon.

Looks like you punched
your last ticket, amigo.

I’m sorry.
Did you just tough-talk a dead body?

Lost my flow.
- Zebra-Three to base.
- Dispatch. Go ahead, Zebra-Three.

I’m gonna need a coroner notification.
We got a DB at the municipal jetty.

1 0-4. Will inform.
Tell ‘em to bring a body bag
and galoshes. He’s a wet one.

Copy that, Starsky.
Found a wallet. Nothin’ in it.
Medium rare, OK?
Look at all these cops.
You want to eat here?

It’s a great place. Pop’s? Come on.
If you’re one of the cops, eat at Pop’s.
OK, hot stuff.
Zebra-Three, 21 1 in progress. Respond.
- Go for Starsky.
- Hurry, Starsky.

We got two perps holding up
a gumball machine on 5th Street.

- Let’s go.
- A gumball machine?

Use force if necessary.
Very funny, Manetti.
Hey, it’s Captain and Tennille.
I guess that means one of you
would actually have to make captain.
