Starsky and Hutch

Maybe we oughta push this whole thing,
huh, till things cool off?

Kevin, please, with the worry.
We’re moving ahead as scheduled.
I’ll handle those two clowns.

So tomorrow, I say we check out
this biker bar, do a little deep cover.

That sounds good.
Who does your wig work?
- I’m sorry, my what?
- Your wig work.

Your undercover work, your disguises.
- You have a wig guy?
- Yeah. He’s incredible.

Well, if it isn’t Sonny and Cher.
- Sonny and Cher.
- Sit on it, Manetti.

- Me sit on it?
- Yeah, you sit on it.

Why don’t you sit on it, Starsky?
How’s that sound?

You wish, cos I’m never sitting on it, ever.
That’s not what I heard.
- Come on. Come on.
- Jesus.

Stop it.
- Come on, big guy. Just stop it.
- What the hell is going on?

Cool your jets, Starsky.
Everybody, back off.
Including you, Manetti.

I apologise. You’re absolutely right.
You’re not even worth it, Starsky.

And, for the record, those are hand towels.
The big towels are on the top shelf.
Hand towels. What a rod.
Jesus Christ, he’s right. Go cover up.
