Starsky and Hutch

And take your bag
of artificial sweetener with you.

- Kicking the chair was a nice touch.
- Yeah, too bad it didn’t work.

He’ll get over it.
What I can’t figure out is why
Earl got paid with bunk cocaine.

Look, right now we’ve got two leads.
- We do?
- Stacey and Holly.

- Those two cheerleaders?
- No, no, no, those two witnesses.

They met Terrence, right?
Let’s take ‘em out,
see what we can learn.

I mean, is it our fault that they also
happen to be a couple of hot foxes?

Look, Reese, I couldn’t help myself.
They were cops.
They were just too macho.

Macho? It’s very simple, Earl.
You should’ve lied to ‘em.

I did lie. I lied about you.
I didn’t tell ‘em anything.

But I had to give ‘em something.
They were so pure.

You’re very lucky you’re in the joint,
my man. Do you understand me?

Look at the bright side, OK?
This is the ultimate test.

That coke was in the police station
all night, and they cleared it.

- You should be happy.
- Well, guess what? I’m not happy.

I’m not happy at all about it.
- Don’t shush me.
- Calm down.

Don’t tell me to calm down.
What are you wearing?
Real quick. Be honest.

What am I wearing?
Silk flowered shirt and a vest. Why?

- That’s gorgeous.
- You sick son of a bitch.

Don’t hang up. Don’t hang up.
God. Some people.
I’m not gonna be able
to fit in my uniform tomorrow.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Is this the way you two
always treat your witnesses?

Well, that depends. If it’s a misdemeanour,
we’ve been known to skip the fondue
and move right to the foot massages.

Wait a minute.
I think that’s police brutality.

- Anybody for some coffee?
- No, thanks.

- I’m OK.
- OK, one for /"e chef."

Wow, this place is great.
Let’s see...
Yeah, it serves my needs.
It’s cosy, homey.

- Hutch, can you help me find the sugar?
- It’s in there.
