Freeze. Bay City PD.
- What the hell was that?
- I think its his kid.
Sit tight, little boy.
Well, well, well. This looks familiar.
Possession of cocaine
and attempted murder, huh?
- Jesus.
- What was that?
That aint a kid. Its a tiny little man,
and hes got knives.
- Goddamn, my arm.
- Shit.
Hey. Make him stop. Make him stop.
Tell him to stop. Stop it.
Throw more knives all the time.
Yes, Father. I shall throw many.
Starsky. Starsky, we need to go now.
Come on.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
All right, now... OK? Time out.
Lets just take a little break.
Im gonna get out of here...
Jeez. Listen...
Mama. What is your problem?
I said time out.
Hutch, little help.
He pinned you good, partner.
On three... One, two.
Time to answer some questions, old man.
Whos the limber little dwarf you got
throwing knives at me and my partner?
- That was no dwarf. That was my son.
- Liar.
Come on. Youre going downtown.
Lets go, Starsky. On your feet.