[ Elevator Shuts Down ]
Hey, you little beaver punk,
open that door.
Freeze, greaseball.
[ Laughing ]
What's the world
coming to, girls?
- Get him!
- No, no. Hey! Hey!
[ Car Horn Blares ]
- [ Tires Screech ]
- Stupid blonde!
Can't you see the sign
says don't walk?
[ Driver ] Goddamn dirty
little jailbait cunt!
Then she said,
"suck an egg."
And look who's comin'.
- Hey, Dom!
- Hey, Dom!
Hey, baby.
I got somethin' f or ya.
Where'd you get this?
Out of a grab bag.
You're one hell
of a f ox, baby.
Jobo, let's have some burgers
f or the ladies.
[ Jobo ]
Y eah, Dom.
H-Hey, Dom. Could you maybe
pay f or 'em this time?
Well, you know,
the prices are goin' up,
and I can't get
a loan at the bank.
You what?
Uh, it's okay. Leave him alone.
The Debs are payin'.
Lace, if the Debs are payin',
you think I could have...
a double cheeseburger,
some french fries, and a coleslaw?
- What?
- I'm really hungry.
Aw, she's hungry.
- Look, guys. I caught a piggy.
- Ow!
What'd I do, Lace?
- Squeal!
- Oink.
- Louder!
- Oh. Oink, oink, oink.