Y eah? Why?
'Cause we don't like you...
dirtying up our table.
[ Patch ]
Goddamn-- Shit!
[ Groans ]
My eye!
I'll kill that bitch.
Give me the gun, Dominic.
Give me the gun, Dominic.
Give me the gun!
Don't waste
your time, baby.
She's not worth it.
Give me some water.
Give me some water!
It's a dirty trick
you pulled on Patch.
You're pretty good.
What else can you do?
Wanna find out?
Why so hostile?
These are the Silver Daggers,
and we are the Dagger Debs.
What gang you with?
- I ain't with a gang.
- You ain't with a gang,
people just stomp on you,
you don't have any muscle behind you.
Everybody's gotta be
in a gang.
Just ain't healthy
to lone it.
Thanks. I'll take my chances.
[ Sirens Approaching ]
- Hey, what do they want?
- Us, damn it.
Freeze, chippie.
Hold it right there, sweetheart.
You sure you want
to go through with this?
They're juveniles.
They'll be out in a couple of days.
I'm damn sure I want
to go through with it.
You throw
the goddamn book at 'em.
This way, honey.
You ain't goin' nowhere.
Get your hands off
the fruit, faggot!
T sk.
Officer, I'm not with them.