Switchblade Sisters

All rec periods
are cancelled till it turns up.

Okay. Everybody,
hands out front.

That's Mom Smackley, Mag.
You better watch out f or her.
She gets, uh,
funny ideas,

especially about
the new girls.

Shove it.
Why, hello, Lace.
Back so soon?

I missed your
smiling face, Mom.

Let me see your hands.
Wait a second.
So nice to see you again,

Oh, hey.
What do we got here?

- What's your name, cutie pie?
- Maggie.

- She a Deb?
- Nope!

Good. You're smart.
Maybe we can become, uh...
You see, Maggie, a gang spoils it
f or good girls like you...

who get in here
by mistake.

But friends...
help each other.
Know what I mean?
Get your hands off of me,
you fat pig dyke!

All right. All right.
Lie down.
Gotta search inside.
Oh, no, you don't.
[ Smackley ]
Put her down, girls.

- Haaah!
- Ooooh!

[ Coughing ]
Full of ginger,
aren't you, huh?

I know how to cool off
hot little chippies like you.

Come on.
T ake her to the john.

Give 'em hell, Maggie.
Come on.
Get up there!

Pretty hair, huh?
How'd you like me
to pull it out?

I bet you're a regular
little hooker, huh?

Well, we're gonna teach you
how to be real good.
