Nothin'. Uh, look,
I gotta split.
I'll catch you later.
Wait a minute, genius.
Let's, uh,
let's talk, uh--
Who says hands off, dear?
I don't believe it.
Hook is a liar!
Y eah, well, just think what you like.
It's your ass, not mine.
Maggie wouldn't cross me.
I gave her a break.
Y eah, and she
paid you back.
She read your letter
out loud and everyone laughed.
And they're laughing right now
every time you turn your back.
But why would Maggie
do that?
'Cause you've got
what she wants.
Damn it, Lace!
Open your eyes!
She's nailin' your man,
and everyone's laughin' in your face.
- You're just too blind to see it.
- Shut up!
Maggie's straight,
and I trust her.
Y eah.
What about Dom?
You trust him?
Figure it out, Lace.
Dom drops you,
and you're finished.
And you got two dozen hungry f emales
at your back, honey,
and each one has a score
to settle with you.
You take a fall,
and they're gonna smell your blood.
Been others
tried that bef ore,
and I'm still on top.
Y eah, but this
ain't bef ore.
Maggie's now,
and you're slidin'.
Maggie's my friend!
Do you know
what that means?
You got any friends,
Patch, hmm?
I can't aff ord any,
and neither can you.
What do you think?
It's up to him now.
Hey, Dom,
can I borrow 20 bucks?
For what?
Me and Cherry want
to make the movies.
Here. You just make sure you tell Ma
where you go. You hear me?
Aw. Okay, yeah.