[ Chattering, Faint ]
- Hi, Maggie.
- Hi, Mags.
- Hi.
Look, you wanna
do somethin' tonight?
What you wanna do can wait
till we iron somethin' out.
Like what?
I like you, Dom, but,
um, Lace is my friend,
and I won't
double-cross her.
What if I cut her loose?
What then?
You'll have
to ask me then.
What's to stop me from rippin' off
what I want like I did bef ore?
You try that again, and they'll be
pickin' steel out of your ass...
all the way
to the hospital.
Maggie moves fast.
Why don't you just,
uh, shut up, huh?
All right. Everybody,
shut up and listen.
Now, Hook and me
made up our minds.
Crabs is gonna show up
T uesday with his goons at school.
I want everybody to be cool.
You just do your thing
at school and if he don't interf ere,
we got no problems.
So, uh, what if
Crabs ain't cool?
My old man,
God rest his ass,
told me once,
"Son, don't ever let 'em
push ya,
'cause once they get you
movin', it's awful hard to stop."
- Hey, right on.
- That's it. I got nothin' else to say.
[ Lace ]
I do.
Most of you already know
my friend.
Like you to take
a good look.
Come here, Maggie.
Guess you two
already met, huh?
Y eah, we already met.
Nice to have you around.