Hey, baby, you--
[ Wolf Whistle ]
May I help you?
Oh, yes, I'm-- I'm looking f or
the director of this post.
[ Chuckles ]
He's on vacation.
Oh. Well, I guess
I have to come back, then.
Well, the acting
director's in.
Uh, a Mr. Crabbits.
Oh, yes. He's the one.
I'm sure he can help me.
Theref ore, due to the grievous cuts
in f ederal funding...
f or our action politics...
and Operation Bootstrap
we f eel--
No, no, strike that.
We're f orced to request
additional State--
Hey, you getting this?
- Crabs?
- Y eah.
There's a girl out there
would like to speak to you.
Y eah, what's she look like?
Y eah? Uh, I'll be right there.
I'll be right out.
How do you do?
My name is Mr. Crabbits,
and this is my associate Mr. Fingers.