What do you think, Lace?
Why ask me?
Okay, then Friday night.
Hook, we gotta talk.
You, too, Maggie.
What's the matter, baby?
Nothin'. What's the matter
with you?
Nothin'. Just something missing.
Y eah? What?
Look, this is me.
You don't like it, then maybe
you should find somebody else.
I don't want anybody else.
Come on, Nicki.
I know what you need.
Stop callin' me Nicki!
The guys are startin' to use it.
Okay. Hey, Dom.
Remember the letter?
Remember the surprise
I said I had f or you?
Y eah.
Well, we're gonna have a baby.
- A what?
- That was the surprise.
No, no.
Wait a minute.
I mean, you'd say anything
to get your way, wouldn't you?
No, it's the truth.
I swear it.
Had the doc check me
when I was in the joint.
Oh, Jesus. I don't have
enough on my mind.
I got a kid brother dyin'
in some meat-hook hospital,
and you gotta come up with
this shit now and dump it on me!
It's time we had something
to hold us together.
How do I even know
it's mine, huh?