I'm married to F.Q. Biggerd,
the millionairess.
She's not a millionairess, you ass.
Didn't her mother leave her something?
Wait. It'll come to me.
No, it won't. Will you get off of this?
I told you, she hasn't got any money,
God damn it!
Wait a minute.
Listen, kiddo. Let me just straighten
the picture on the wall right now, okay?
If I'd have gotten my divorce,
you wouldn't be married to anybody.
You'd be behind bars, where you belong,
you cheap crook.
Now do yourself a favor
and stay away from her.
- Nick, how is she?
- She's still out cold.
- Nick.
- What?
Listen, doesn't she have some money
in her own right?
Get off of this.
I told you it's all in Daddy's hands. Period.
This is purely a love proposition
between her and I, God damn it.
But wait a minute, Nick.
You may be saving me
from the Mann Act, kiddo...
but I am saving you from the gallows.
Now, when we get to Chicago,
if you'd prefer me to call the bank...
and point out the embezzlement
of some $1,500...
- by their dummo ex-bank teller...
- Come on, Nicky.
...which I have covered
at great personal cost.
Come on, Nick. You don't have to make
these unpleasant threats.
Do you wanna go to jail,
or do you want to go to California?
- California.
- All right.
Good morning. Did you have a nice night?
I'm sick as a mutt.
God, what a night to remember.
All a complete blank.
She can't drink among other things.