Fredericka Quintessa Biggard.
Just quit throwing your weird thoughts
and misinterpretations onto the thing.
I wasn't.
I was for a second knocked for a loop.
- Because I find it insulting.
- No, it wasn't.
I'm really very happy for you, Nick.
I think she's a lovely looking,
and probably a very nice...
It's not in your best interest
to find her too attractive, you know?
- I didn't say "too attractive."
- Just keep it in mind.
Yeah, I mean, from the front maybe...
but to me, not that much from the side.
Now, I don't mean bad, though.
I mean it's not as alluring as from the front.
She's not as good looking
as your wife, though, don't you think?
I know.
I'll be right back.
I'd like to say
that I think there's a want of intelligence...
in bringing too much notice
to ourselves, kiddo, you know?
It just lacks foresight.
Well, I was just gonna play a few hands.
Because you're the husband,
and I'm the brother.
And we don't want,
not that it would ever happen...
we don't want these clowns
to have the opportunity to say...
we were peculiar in any way.
That the husband
was always playing cards...
They couldn't say that.
This is the first game.
...while the brother was
under the rose with the sister.
It just doesn't look nice.
So try to stay to yourself.