How about it today, kiddo?
Are we gonna come up with
a situation for you or not?
Well, I'm trying, you know.
Do you think I'm not?
I'm out there every day.
All day, wearing down my shoes. It's rough.
Yes, so you've been saying.
I surely don't want to press you.
But it strikes me just a little bit unfair...
that I'm carrying the whole load here
while you lie around like...
I'm not lying around.
I haven't got entirely up yet.
Look, kiddo.
I'm trying my damnedest to get Beatrice
to come up with this divorce thing, okay?
What if it's gonna take couple of months?
This is the point.
You just can't let me foot all the bills.
I've reached the decision, Nick.
I didn't come all the way out here
just to repeat my old life.
Now, what do you think I ought to do?
Be calling up Freddie every hour
on the telephone...
and see if you're out doing your part?
Now, wouldn't that be a sorry thing?
Hey, Nick.
You didn't leave me any money
for carfare or lunch.
Morning, Oscar.
So glad someone's still here.
Well, I haven't completely got going yet.
It's so God-awful...
to wake up and find yourself all alone.
I just hate it.
It's my least favorite thing.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
You know what I usually do?