One time,
I dressed up in my brother's clothes...
very late at night, after everyone was asleep.
And I went promenading around the streets.
You know, with my hands in my pockets.
Of course, there wasn't a soul around
to see me.
Or they would have packed me off
to an alienist.
I did feel like a real individual.
Sit on my lap, you cutie.
No, I'm not going to sit on your lap.
What for?
Sit on my lap.
Now are you gonna start anything funny
if I do?
I won't try anything funny
that you don't want me to.
Will you give me a piece of candy?
But you're not gonna be naughty.
No, I really don't want to.
Come on.
What's this foible you got
about just sitting on a guy's lap?
- 'Fraidy cat.
- Applesauce.
Keep your hands to yourself.
I'll sit on your lap till the cows come home.
- My hands are to myself.
- Okay.
- I'm sitting on your lap.
- See?
- So what?
- My hands are to myself.
Oh, I love my little chickie.
Peep, peep.
Who gave it to you?
Never even got a kiss for it.
You did so!
Give me a little kiss.
Now, there you go.
- Give me a little kiss.
- I'll just give you a little peck on the cheek.