I don't care what happens to me!
Do you hear me?
I'm gonna call my daddy on the telephone.
I'll tell him everything
you've put me through.
And I hope they throw us all in jail!
Go ahead! Go on ahead!
For all you put me through!
You bastard! You sons of bitches!
I hate you!
I hope you'll never ever
gonna get anything from me.
I'm gonna give it all away first.
I'm gonna give it all away!
I don't care who gets it.
I'm gonna give it all to charity!
You've made my life a perfect hell!
I don't care what happens to me!
Now let's not go off half-cocked now,
Don't talk to me.
- Because, Momsie...
- You're half-cocked.
...nothing has changed here. You know that.
You liar!
So just calm down,
and stop behaving hysterically.
Don't talk to me.
I'm gonna get on a train.
No, no.
No, you just think about
who's been deceived here...
and how hard it is for me to try and forgive
what you did to me today behind my back.
Balls, balls, balls!
So I'm not gonna set foot outside this house
until you make up your mind...
to calm down
and come to some sort of decision.
Goodbye, dear.
I'm not gonna try and influence you.
But this guy's a potential menace,
as far as I'm concerned.
You leave me alone. Leave me alone.
The scales have fallen from my eyes.
I don't know what I've done to deserve...
such a self-centered pair of bastards!
Now what'd I do?
Please open the door.