The rent, dear.
Thank you.
Now, dear, I got to confess...
to any of these disturbances
you've been hearing lately.
I thought I'd better tell you
that my sister and my brother-in-law...
haven't been hitting it off, and the truth is...
they've been having some pretty bad rows.
My, oh, my, that's what I was afraid of.
Yes, yes, they have,
and it's been going on for some time...
to the tragic result that
he's moving out of the house on her...
and he's gonna take up residence in a hotel.
Well, I didn't want to say,
but just not so long back now...
I heard her screaming like a stuck pig.
And then what, to my chagrin, do I see
but Mr. Dix leaping out the window...
like Bandit Bill
without so much as a fare-thee-well.
Oh, yeah. This has been going on
and I'm very concerned for her here.
because she's so overly emotional...
Well, anyway,
maybe she won't go to that extreme, but...
I don't know why...
in such a glorious world
as we've been provided with...
birds, the sunshine,
of beautiful trees, and flowers...
and the radio...
why people don't get on
any better than they do.
- It just makes me sick.
- Yeah. Thank you.
Oh, you found more hooch.
You genius.