The Wind and the Lion

Now, would you like to be portrayed as
a hairy cow if you were a grizzly bear?

Perhaps the president
had a position in mind.

Certainly. There you are.
Now watch.

The American grizzly must always
be portrayed in a fighting stance.

That's the sort of animal he is,
upright, rampant, on his two hind feet.

His great forepaws extended like that.
Teeth bared, clawing, growling.

Would you like to sketch that?

- Take a photograph.
- Good. Ready?

- Growl again, Father.
- You like that?

See that he gets a copy.
Now, where was I with Winchester?
"What must I do for a proper fitting?
Need I go to England?"

Oh, that's all right the way it is.
Send it out.

What must a man do, anyway,
to get a proper-fitting rifle?

You can bet that Raisuli fellow's
got a rifle that fits him.

Those people know the value
of a good weapon.

- The rifle is the very soul of the Arab.
- Raisuli's a Berber, Mr. President.

Well, it goes double for Berbers.
- What sort of rifle does he use?
- I don't know, sir.

Send him a cablegram. Find out what
kind of weapon the old bastard uses.

I think you're the best shot
that's ever occupied the office, sir.

Oh, I don't know. Andrew Jackson
back there was quite a shot.

Carried a brace of pistols
all the time, you know.

Shot a fellow right off the porch,
right out there.

Caned another one to death.
Admiral Chadwick, I presume.
I'm Vice Consul Richard Dreighton.

- Ray.
- Admiral. It's certainly good to see you.
