I mean:
I didn't know what you looked like,
I'm completely not interested
in our family
and its members.
So don't feel obliged
to talk to me.
Of course, my dear aunt,
as you wish.
I've disturbed you in your mourning.
Mourning? Is that a joke?
Your uncle and I have been strangers
to each other for the past 20 years.
Who's that?
That's your dear old
uncle Fernando's dog.
He knows more than I do.
They had a lot in common.
- A lot in common?
With the dog?
- His name is Assassin.
He was his best friend.
Worthy of each other.
- Inseparable.
One signal from him
and he'd tear apart anyone.
Tear apart? Nice animal.
- Good night, dear cousin.
Let's try to avoid running
into each other. Come.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Captain Fritz Von Merkel,
personal assistant
of your late uncle Fernando.
At your service, Your Excellency.
At ease, Captain.
Did you bring all these delicacies?
I was fortunate enough to receive
a splendid gift for you.
Governor Don Fernando's
favorite sweets.
Thank you. Get me some.
Excuse me, Your Excellency.
I'm sorry.
Calm down, this won't be wasted.
Look at them eat. They like it.