Brother Francisco de la Trinidad,
in the name of Your Majesty
you're being accused of fraud
against Ramiro Valdez,
who is present here and will testify.
You've sold him rotten skins.
- No, the skins were fine.
Let him show them.
- They were full of worms.
I had to burn them.
- Liar.
You'll also be punished
for this insult.
You're defending a liar.
And for contempt.
What a charade.
Why do you say that?
You know as well as I do
the verdict has already been decided.
Everyone knows why you
want to convict a holy man.
He's guilty of one thing.
He stands up to injustice,
he condemns everyone who steals,
who cheats,
who exploits the poor people.
Make her stop.
Here's the verdict.
Ten floggings for fraud
and ten for contempt and slander
of the court.
Stop, Sergeant.
No more innocent people will
be punished.