Now what am l
supposed to do?
You mustn't ask me.
Aren't you the bride?
How should I know? I've never
been married before.
True enough. If my young bride
had already been married...
then I'd be missing something
All this said, let's celebrate
this great event together.
Rejoice with us on the happiest
day of our lives.
The time has come to celebrate
your first night together.
- It's a great moment.
- It is!
What if the bride and groom
aren't exactly strangers?
Nothing changes.
While she's not a virgin,
she saved her virginity for you...
and pleasure comes
with experience.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, Master, I'm ready now.
Don't call me "Master." From now on,
call me kichi-san, okay?
Thank you... kichi-san.
What is it?
You're trembling.
What's wrong?