- Pardon me. I have your sake.
- Come in.
You're not in bed together
for once? That's unusual.
I had to bring the sake.
The servants won't come in here.
Why's that?
- You're always in the middle of--
- Of what?
Taking it in my mouth
and sucking it.
I'd appreciate it
if you'd care for kichi.
I must leave,
but I'll return tomorrow.
Watch him closely.
He's to stay here. He's not
allowed to go out, understand?
I'll do what I can.
What about the geishas?
- They can come if he wants them.
- Really?
Do I look elegant?
You look lovelier every day.
Not again!
You make me feel things
I've never felt.
I know we need the money...
but when I think of you
with someone else, I get jealous.