The UN Security Council
in New York...
...will discuss the deteriorating
situation in Vietnam
Home news
The chemical factory at Olecko
was inaugurated today...
...after four years of hard work
by thousands of people
lt was one of Poland's biggest
construction sites
The ceremony was attended by leading
members of the government and Party...
...builders and the municipality
Medals were awarded...
...to the Director,
Stefan Bednarz...
...builder Jan Marcinkowski
and co-ordinator Jan Wojcik...
...by the Minister for the
Chemical lndustry...
...Department of Trade
The factory will produce 32,000
tonnes of nitrates annually...
...for agricultural use
A tour of the factory followed
the inauguration...
...and a review of perspectives
The workforce...
...staged festivities
Further reports in our programme
Problems of Today
-When did you get it?
lt's really something
-What's that?
-Aperture control